
 Verbal Football was created by budding writers Matt G-Freebody and Paul B in 2008 as a football blog. The inspiration originally transpired after years of following football, heated debates over ol’ MSN and a general love of the beautiful game. By 2008, both writers were at University and had ambitions of entering the profession of Football Journalism and thus the blog was created on Blogger.com.

At that time, it was a trial and error process (and still is to some extent) a place where the writers could vent their opinions on football whilst also practicing their writing skills and also learning about world of online media and publication.

Now in 2011, Verbal Football has been born on wordpress.com for a more serious and dedicated home for continual and consistent football talk by passionate and knowledgeable fans of the game.

Whilst this site is still in its early birth, there will be plenty of varied content delivered for your eyes only (and possibly ears) with plans for a Podcast in the near future.

Mainly, this blog will focus on opinion pieces on hot topics in the game but there will also be special features that will suit all football fans browsing the World Wide Web.

The writers appreciate any feedback (good and the bad) and will take comments and suggestions into consideration.

Lastly, thank you for your curiosity about Verbal Football and hope you take as much enjoyment out of it as a viewer as we have as the creators.

Matt G-Freebody

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